How to protect Android phone from hanging problem, best solution of hanging of Android phone

Android smartphone users usually have to deal with a common problem. This is the problem of hanging the phone. Even though keeping software such as anti-virus, anti-malware and cleanup, many times the phone is constantly hanging. In this way how can you save your phone from this problem, know about those tips.

Best solution of hanging problem of Android smartphone 



     The reason for the hang of the phone is directly attached to the storage. There are frequent cache and duplicate-junk files created in the smartphone, which are often hanging on the phone when not deleted. You can use the softwares to remove them, but after that, you do not have to delete the junk files in system storage. At the same time, it is also important to delete the junk files of the apps you uninstall. You have to manually do this by going to File Manager Folder.
In addition to maintaining the space of the phone's internal storage is also important. You can do this by switching the application installed in your phone to external storage. Also keep in mind that you will not miss the external storage space at all. It is necessary to maintain balance between the two storage. If the storage is not left then external storage can increase, which has a limit. At the same time delete the non-essential files from the phone, from time to time. Keep photos, songs, videos, movies in external storage.


    All apps must be kept updated with the phone. Update the updates of the app as soon as they are available and keep the automatic updates option of system updates in settings so that your Android system is up-to-date.

Restart - 

     You can restart it when the phone hangs. At the same time installing or updating a new app is also good to restart the phone.

Re-Set Factory Settings - 

    This is the last option. If the hang problems are not finished in the phone, then use it. Keep in mind that all the data on the phone will be deleted so be sure to backup the necessary files. This will format your phone.

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