Lord Krishna and Radha Best Love Story, Radha Krishna Relationship Story.
Today we will tell you in detail about Krishna Priya Radharani !!!
Radha you are great, who are you virtuous? Three Lok Taran Taran So Tore Aadin. Radhaji was born on the Ashtami of Shukla Paksha in the month of Bhadrapada in Rawal village near Yamuna. 'Radha' was a well-known soulmate, worshiper of Krishna. Radha-Krishna is a symbol of eternal love. Padma Purana has described it as the daughter of Vrishabhanu king. When this king was cleaning the land of the yajna, he got Radha in the form of a land girl. There is also a story that Vishnu, while taking the Krishna avatar, asked all the deities of his family to incarnate on earth. Then Radha also, who used to reside in Baikunth Lok as the consort of four-armed Vishnu and Lakshmi, came to earth as Radha. Radha was Krishna's well-known soulmate, an upasika and the daughter of a gopa named Vrishabhanu. Radha-Krishna is a symbol of eternal love. The word 'Vrishabhanu Patni' is used for Radha's mother Kirti. Padma Purana has described it as the daughter of Vrishabhanu king. When this king was cleaning the land of the yajna, he got Radha in the form of a land girl. The king took care of it as his daughter. There is also a story that Vishnu, while taking the Krishna avatar, asked all the deities of his family to incarnate on earth. Then Radha also, who used to reside in Baikunth Lok as the consort of four-armed Vishnu and Lakshmi, came to earth as Radha.
Radha and Krishna relationship story, Best Radha Krishna special love story.
Worshiper of Shri Krishna. Radha is considered as Krishna's girlfriend and sometimes as wife. According to Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Radha was Krishna's friend and she was married to a person named Rapan or Rayana. The marriage of Radha and Krishna is also mentioned elsewhere. It is said that Radha had become an adult at the time of her birth. The importance of Radha in Braj is paramount. There are various references to Radha. According to the Brahma Vaivarta Purana, the name of Radha's husband was Rayana, other names are also found Rapan and Ayanghosh. According to some scholars Radha is the form of worship of Krishna. Radhika is formed by removing A from the word Aradhika. Radhaji was born in Rawal village near Yamuna. There is also a temple of Radha here. The world famous temple of Radharani is situated on the hill of Barsana village. The Lathmar Holi here is famous all over the world. It is astonishing that in spite of Radha-Krishna being so inseparable, there is no mention of Radha in the Mahabharata or the Bhagavata Purana, although there is an indication of a dear friend of Krishna. Radha violated social bonds for the love of Shri Krishna. In the absence of Krishna, his love interest grew even more. The reunion of the two is said to be in Kurukshetra where Krishna went from Dwarka to Dwarka and from Vrindavan to Nanda, Radha etc. on the occasion of solar eclipse. The devotion of Radha-Krishna continued to expand over time. The Nimbarka sect, the Vallabh-sampradaya, the Radhavallabh sect, the Sakhibhava sect etc. confirmed this even more. Marriage of Radha-Krishna. It is believed that Brahma ji had a big contribution in getting Radha and Krishna married. When Lord Brahma reminded Shri Krishna everything, he remembered everything. After this Brahma ji decorated the altar with his own hands for marriage.
According to the Garg Samhita, before marriage, he got Shri Krishna and Radha to recite seven mantras. The altar in Bhandirvan is the same tree under which Radha and Krishna sat and got married. After getting both of them married, Lord Brahma returned to his world. But in this forest, Radha and Krishna drowned in their love. In fact, according to the Garga Samhita, Lord Krishna is the basis of this world. It is believed that just as the power of Shiva is Parvati, in the same way the power of Lord Krishna is Radha. Meanwhile, a very strange incident happens. Suddenly strong winds start blowing. Lightning starts flashing. Suddenly darkness falls all around. And in this darkness a very divine light comes down from the sky. Nand ji understands that it is none other than Radha Devi herself who has come to this forest for Krishna. He bows down and bows to them. And giving the child Krishna in his lap, he says that O Goddess! I am so fortunate that Lord Krishna is in my lap and I am seeing you face to face. By handing over Lord Krishna to Radha, the storm subsides by the time Nand ji returns home. The darkness turns into divine light and with it the Lord also renounces his child form and becomes a teenager. There is a Vanshi forest near Bhandirvan where Lord Krishna often used to go to play Vanshi. It is said that thousands of years old Vanshi forest exists even today as well as the tree on which Lord Krishna used to play the flute. It is said that even today if you listen to that tree with your ear, you can hear the sound of flute and tabla. After marrying Radha, Lord Krishna lived in this forest for a long time. But one day he suddenly remembered the village of Nand.
After marriage, for a long time, Lord Krishna along with Radha kept Ras in these forests. But one day he remembered the village of Nand and he became a child in Radha's lap just as Radha was given to him by Nand ji. After this incident, Radha started crying. After this there was a radio. "O Radha! Don't grieve at this time. Now your desire will be fulfilled after some time." Radha understood that the Lord was now proceeding for his work for which he has incarnated. After this Radha went to Nandgaon taking the child form of Lord Krishna in her lap and dedicated it to Bal Gopal at the hands of Nand. Radhaji is the supreme beloved of Lord Shri Krishna and also his integral idol. It is said in Shrimad Bhagwat that if Shri Radha ji is not worshipped, then man does not even have the right to worship Shri Krishna. Radha ji is the presiding deity of Lord Krishna's life, so God remains under her. One of the names of Radhaji is Krishnavallabha because she is the one who gives joy to Shri Krishna. Mother Yashoda once asked Radha about the origin of her name. Radhaji told him that 'Ra' is Mahavishnu and 'Dha' is the mother spoken among the creatures and worlds of the world. Therefore, in the past, Shri Hari named her as Radha. Lord Shri Krishna appears in two forms - Divya and quadrilateral. In the quadrilateral form he resides in Baikuntha with Goddess Lakshmi, Saraswati, Ganga and Tulsi, but in the double-armed form he resides with Radhaji in the Gauloka gham. Radha-Krishna's love was so deep that if one suffered, the other would feel his pain. At the time of Suryoprag, Shri Krishna, Rukmini, etc., the queens of Vrindavan, etc., all appeared in Kurukshetra. Rukmini ji welcomed Radha ji.
When Rukminiji was pressing on Shri Krishna's feet, she saw that Shri Krishna had blisters on her feet. After much persuasion, Shri Krishna told that his lotus feet reside in the heart of Radhaji. Rukmini had given Radha ji more hot milk to drink, due to which Shri Krishna's feet got blisters. Radha ji is an integral part of Shri Krishna. This fact can be understood from this story that when Shri Krishna felt divine bliss in Vrindavan, then only Divyananda appeared in the form of a girl child and this life force of Shri Krishna is Radha ji. On the day of Radha Janmashtami, fasting should be done in the temple and worship of Radha ji should be done and Shri Radha Mantra should be chanted. Radha ji is the form of Lakshmi, so worshiping her brings wealth and prosperity. Radha ji's name is taken even before Krishna. Shri Krishna is pleased by chanting the name of Radha and shows mercy to the devotees. Radhaji's love for Shri Krishna was selfless and she was ready to make any sacrifice for him. Once Shri Krishna pretended to be ill. All the Vaidyas and Hakims were engaged in his treatment but Shri Krishna's disease was not cured. On being asked by the Vaidyas, Shri Krishna replied that only the dust of the feet of my dearest can cure my illness. Rukmini and other queens refused to become a part of sin by giving their beloved feet. Finally Radha ji was told this, she dusted her feet by saying that even if I have to suffer the sin of 100 hells, I still love my beloved. I will definitely give Charan Dhuli for health benefits. Krishna ji had so much love for Radha that he fainted just by imagining the image of Radha ji in a lotus flower, only then the learned people said.