Smile is very important for health and life, some happiness moment increase the life and make good health, everyone glow smile on our loving people, here best status share some -
Smile status,
Smile happy quotes, Best keep smiling quotes,
Happiness status 2021,
Best joke 2021,
Smiling joke.
Smile Status, Best Smile Quotes,Happy Smile Day, Latest Smile Status.
Smile image |
Life is beautiful one day one hour one min its not come again so please avoid fight ,angry speak lovely spread ur smille...
"habit of smiling can makes your life happy. it costs nothing and you lose nothing. but when i get it, i get everything more than my life "
so keep smiling !!!
In Life Happiness is
more important than smile.
Because smile comes from
lips, but happines
comes from heart.
Be happy forever.
To Get Brighter Results...
Give It A Smarter Imagination!
Imagine Well...
Imagine Smiles...
And Get Happy Results!!
A Smile Gives
Red Color 2 Ur Cheeks
White Color 2 Ur Teeth
Pink Color 2 Ur Lips
Silver Colr 2 Ur Eyes..
Anger Makes The Tongue
Faster Than The Mind
Smile Makes Everything Work Faster
Except The Tongue...
Smile Is Like Simcard
And Life Is Cellphone
Whenever U Insert The Sim Of Smile
A Beautiful Day Is Activated
So Keep Smiling Always.
Smiling Has Always Been Easier
Than Explaining Why I'm Sad. .
If the loser smiles after losing the Game,
The Winner will lose the Thrill of his victory.
That's the Power of Smile. So always keep smiling.
SMILE-Richness of ur face.
LOVE-Richness of ur heart.
HAPPY-Richness of ur mind.
FRIENDSHIP-Richness of ur life.
Be happy,smile always..
Cute lines:
If u can't find the right words to certain situations,just give a smile...
Words may confuse,but a smile always convinces...
You know who is The Best couple in the world?
Smile and Tears..
Rarely they are seen together,
But when they are together its the Best Moment of the Life.
"wish u very happy smile day"
All people smile in the same language.
Smile Status For Whatsapp And Facebook, Best Smile Quotes.
Keep smiling image |
BE like a baby...
they don't know anything..
but they only know two things ..
a beutiful smile & a cry...
so keep smilling.....
Little smile will create a lot of happiness …
It hides so many problems…
So smiley face don’t get sadness…
keep smiling…
A smile is a powerful weapon.
no one has ever seen a smiling face
that was not beautiful.
A smile goes a long way ,
but you are the one who must start it on its journey…
Roses are famous for grace,
Advocates are famous for case,
Horses are famous for Race,
But UR famous 4 SMILE on UR face "KEEP SMILING".
Time and smile are the two crucial things in our life.
Sometimes time makes us to forget smile
sometimes someone's smile makes us to forget time.
Bells give us tinkles,
fountains give us sprinkles,
crying gives us wrinkles,
smile gives us dimples.
Keep smiling all the time.
ROSE is famus 4 grace
ADVOCATE is famous 4 his case,
HORSES are famous 4 Race,
But U are famous 4 'SMILE' on ur face.
So Keep it always on your face..
A little tune can make you sing,
A little hug can make you feel better
Some little things can make you happy.
I hope that my little disturbance will make you smile.
Smile is the Best Credit Card.
Bcoz it is Acceptd WorldWide,
Auto Reload,
Unlimited Usage,
No Payment,
at all makes every1 Happy.
So keep Smiling.
Smile in pleasure and pain..
Smile when pours like a rain..
Smile when some one hurts you,
Smile Bcoz some one still wants You...
Smile is a bird
Who flies from face to face
May your lips give it a better nest
So that?
It may stay there
Forever and Ever
Keep Smiling!
The shortest distance between two ppl is not a Straight Line, It's a Curve- A smile.
The more you bend this curve,
the shorter the distance gets.
Best lines fOr practical life-
"I have many prOblems in my life-
my lips dOesn't knOw that-
it always smiles-!
Moning is like a painting
u need a litle smile 2 brighten it &
a message from someone
who cares U &
To color your day
So keep smiling.
There is always sumone
in everyone's life.,
whose mood Affects your smile..!
Nothing Is More
Beautiful Than A 'SMILE'
That Has Struggle Through
'TEARS' ....
The prettiest girl is the one who knows how to smile without faking it.
How can I find a words of wishes,
which expresses my feelings to your way.
Your smile brightens my life,
even more day by day.
One minutes smiling makes many frnds,
but one minutes angry make many enemies,
so enjoy your life with a cute smiling.
I like it when you SMILE :)
Ilove it when I'm the Reason.
A single lovable smile is a proper key for many problems n confusions.So express ur cute smile every moment on ur face.
A smile can unlock more doors than any key.
Smile Day Status, Keep Smiling Status, Best Smile Status Quotes.
Keep smiling Quotes |
I search many shops to buy the best chocolate 4 u. but i did'nt find any chocolate sweeter than you n ur smile.
Just because no one has been fortunate enough to realize how wonderful you are,
doesn't mean that you shine any less
Keep Smiling.
Morning is the best time to great 'SPECIAL PEOPLE'bc'z the remaining hours soon will be busy.
So let me say hello,take care & Keep smiling..
Do U know D relation beetween Smile & UR face?
UR face looks gud with a smile,but smile look more gud on UR face.
So keep smiling.
Inspiration is the word which makes work better.....
Thw most powerful inspiration is the smile......
I wish u to carry it on ur face all the time.....
Tree leaves do nt luk green forevr, roses
do nt luk fresh forevr, bt i pray that
smile on ur lips stay forever...
Smiling People know the SECRET of Good Health,Pleasant Personality, Sure Success & Pure Happiness. Smile is the Style of superior persons...
I think you are very careless
You come and leave things behind
See now what you have left?
You just came in my mind and left a smile on my face.
Smile is the secret of success, surety for good health, style for pleasant personality & the source of happiness. So cheers. Keep smiling.
The Best Medicine In the World Without any Side Effect is a Smiling Face...! I Pray That this Medicine Must Be Always With U..
Plz spread, spread more dear, u will like it, all will like it.. Aha, that's it. Keep Spreading -- Ur smile is precious! Hv a smiling day!
What is the difference between your smile and my smile? You smile when you feel happy and I smile when I see you happy. So Keep smiling.
Life is better when you are happy.
Best when other people are happy bcoz of you.
Be inspired,give peace and share your smile.
Wen u smile, its like sunrise to me..
& I want a daily sunrise in my life.. So, KEEP SMILING
If you can SMILE when you are Completely Broken up.....
Then there can be nothing that can Break you NEXT Time.....
Emotions dont have words,
Wishes dont have scripts,
If u smile, world is with u,
Otherwise even a drop of tear doesn't like to stay with u..
So keep smiling!!
Smile meanings
Smile to old means Respect
Smile to child mean Innocence
Smile to friend means Care
Smile in front of mobile, a mental case!
Still smiling?
If you worry about a trouble it becomes double
but when you smile at it, it disappears like a bubble
so always smile at your problem.
keep smiling.
KILL d Stress B4 it Kills U
REACH d Goal B4 it Kicks U
HELP Every1 B4 Sum1 Helps U
LIVE Life B4 Life Leaves U
Keep smiling:
Without love life waste,
Without story movie waste,
Without my sms ur cell waste &
Without ur smile my sms waste!!
A cup of coffee and a chat
Can get one through the day
Just a smile from warm, kind eyes
Gives more than words can say.
Best advice in two lines:
"Silence is the best answer for all questions..."
"Smiling is the best reaction in all situations..."