Good morning poem 2022. for WhatsApp and Facebook in love

{*Best} good morning poem in love .

Success lies in finding the courage
To step out of your comfort zone
Victories lie in having the conviction
That you are stronger than stone
Winning in life, is less about
What you have done till today
It is more about having the belief
That no matter what, you will find a way
Good morning.

Best good morning poem for lover.

As I drink in the rich fragrance of morning coffee,
I think of your side profile, crisp as a toffee.
As the sun's golden rays drown the world in their light,
I am drowning in thoughts of you, silly and bright.
A simple reminder of your warm embrace
Makes me stupid with joy, bringing smiles to my face,
I imagine your smouldering eyes once again,
And I'm helpless, a lost cause, can't focus my brain.
Feeling Lovesick :)
Good morning, hoping the love bug bites you as much as it bites me.
****good morning*** love you***

Latest good morning poem 2017

Stop worrying about whether
It’s a Sunday or Monday
Just relax, sit by the window
Soak in the sun’s warm rays
Stop fretting about all
The work you have to get done
Give yourself a break, think about
What you’ll do to have fun
Early mornings are too precious
To be spent in doubt and worry
Just focus on what you need to do
To be successful and happy
Good morning.

Inspirational good morning poem.

If you fall I will catch you,
If you cry I will hold you,
If I breathe I will love you,
You are always on my mind,
Occupying my thoughts from day to night,
You are the sun of my mornings,
And the moon of my nights,
You are the stars shining on me,
The angels watching over me,
You are the love of my life,
And every night before bed,
I see you when I close my eyes,
And when sleep come for me,
You are waiting there in my dreams.
I don’t think you will ever leave me mind,
And for me that is just fine.
Good morning.

******* good morning poem********

Everyone has regrets
Everyone makes mistakes
Everyone has a bad past
Everyone, has much at stake
Don’t let your past’s burden
Turn your smiles into frowns
Life, gives you a chance
To move on with every new dawn
Good morning.

****** poem for good morning*****

 in the morning when you wake,
If the sun does not appear,
I will be here.
If in the dark we lose sight of love,
Hold my hand and have no fear,
I will be here.
I will be here,
When you feel like being quiet,
When you need to speak your mind I will listen.
Through the winning, losing, and trying we’ll be together,
And I will be here.
If in the morning when you wake,
If the future is unclear,
I will be here.
As sure as seasons were made for change,
Our lifetimes were made for years,
I will be here.
**** good morning****

Successful good morning poem

In life, what you did before
Has absolutely no relevance
What happened in the past
Shouldn’t matter, not even once
Look at yourself in the mirror
What is important, are not the scars
But the determination in your eyes
To move ahead and go far
Remember this, every single time
You think about what happened before
None of that matters, as long as you’re
Willing to go the distance and soar
Good morning.

Good morning my love poem.

When I wake and open my eyes to see
Such a beauty as you lying next to me
As the window displays the morning dew,
I lie and gaze in awe of you,
How grateful I am, my luck is so grand,
That I am the one who can hold your tender hand,
It is so magical to have you through the night,
This moment you have made my morning so bright.
Good morning my love.

Good morning kiss poem

The clear blue sky and sun-kissed air,
The morning dewdops so precious and fair,
I want to hug you tight and kiss,
And stay in that moment so endless,
My man, seeing you wake next to me,
I am full of joy and gladness you see,
Right now all I feel is my heart race,
As I long for nothing but your embrace,
While sleeping it is you I miss
And now it’s time for our good monrning kiss.

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