Happy Fathers Day quotes and best wishes 2017

Happy Father's Day quotes and best wishes 

Father’s day is celebrated to enjoy the loving bond between father and children. Fathers are an epitome of modesty and sacrifice, and hence we bring you the Best Fathers quotes, messages and emotional poems to express the love which you have never been able to.

Happy Father’s Day means
More than flowers and gifts
It means saying Thank You
It means saying I Love You
You are the best dad, and my best friend
Today is your day.”

* Good and true relationships * * cannot be bought, can not be borrowed ... *
* Therefore ... give importance to those people who value you ... *
* Feeling hard *
* To make dreams true, *
* Cheers *
* In order to achieve the bulwarks, *
* It takes time to make life, *
* And life still falls short *
* In relationships * ..
*father and son relationship are like this*
Happy Father's Day 

Love is not written on paper.,..
For paper can be erased.,..
Nor is it etched on the stone.,..
For the stone can be broken.,..
But it is inscribed on a heart.,..
And there it shall remain forever.,..
Happy Father's Day to you dad

# Memories in life
Some good things ...
1) Never say sorry to him,
Who likes you
2) Never call her a boy,
Which you need.
3) Do not ever doubt that,
Who trusts you more than you.
4) Never forget her,
Who always remembers you
5) Do not call him,
Whoever you cry is crying himself.
Happy Father's Day to you dad

* 👌: A beautiful thinking: 👌 *

* By pouring water under the tree, water is also reached on the highest leaves; *
* Similarly, the actions done with love reach the divine *.
* Do all the service but do not keep hope from anyone.
* Because the true value of service can be given by God only man * l 
My god is my father
Happy Father's Day to you dad


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