Exam status/best luck for exams quotes / inspirational exam quotes saying. 2021 exam good luck

2021 Exam status, funny exam status, inspirational motivational exam quotes, best of luck for exam wishes, all the best for exam, result status, quotes for exam results.

Best of luck for exam,all the best for exam and exam results wishes. 

Best wishes for exam
Exam status quotes 
Sometimes I feel like writing the word ’LOL’ at the end of every answer in exams.

Exam is like a war! questions are like bullets! a single pen
can’t attack all enemies! don’t
worry! lets keep bullet proof
material called ’BITS’. OK?

exams are here
shivering in fear 
still books are no where near

Every student is confident in exam hall to try their luck in multiple choice.

Newton’s 5th Law
(Exam Law):

"Performance Of Boys In The Exam Decreases

When The Number Of Girls

In The Exam Hall Increases.

3 ways to write exam:

Looking up for 

Looking down for 

Looking around for ’INFORMATION’

It takes
3 months for a Writer
2 months for a Doctor
1 month for a Lawyer and
Only 1 night before exam for a Student
To read a 1000 pages book
All the best!

To be a good professional,
Always start to study late for Exams.
Because it teaches how to manage Time
And tackle Emergencies!
Best of luck!

Rain of summer, snow of winter,
grace of autumn, glory of spring,
May beauty of every season
give ur heart a beautiful reason 2 smile.
May God suceed u in every exams of ur life.

Ocean level syllabus. 
Mountain level teaching.
Bucket level we study.
Mug level we answer.
Marks comes in drops.

A last ball six
A last ball wkt
A last min goal
A last min move often wins d game.
thats why
r stil confident that
A Last night study can win an exam:

May ur exams be like the pieces of chocolate cake,
Very easy and satisfying and tasting morvelous.
Alot of love for a nice person and wish u good luck.

Exam is a way by crossing which,
A student enters into
New world of studies,
Experience and also
New world of friends.

Here’s Wishing You
All The Best For Your Exams.
May You Succeed
In Everything You Do!

Study While Others Are Sleeping,
Work While Other Are Lazing,
Prepare While Others Are Playin
And Dream While Others Are Sleeping.
This Is A Surest Way To Success.

You May Never Know
What Would Be The Result Of The Exam
To Will Appear In,
But Also Think That
If You Don’t Appear
There Would Not Be Any Result.

May Be It Will Not Be Easy.
But It Will Surely Be Worth It.
Strive Hard And You Shall Succeed.
Good Luck For Your Exam!

Trusting Yourself Will Not Make
The Mountain Smaller
But It Will Make The Climbing Easier
Go Ahead And Climb Your Mountains
And Emerge As A Winner.

Good Luck for Exams

Every Exam In Our Life Makes Is Better Or Bitter.
Every Difficulty Makes Us Or Breaks Us
The Choice Is Ours Whether We Want
Come As Victorious Or A Victim.

Believe In Yourself,
Your Hard Work And The Efforts You Have Put-In.
Success Will Be Yours In The End.
You Will Pass The Exam With Flying Colors.

During An Exam,
We Look Up For Inspiration,
Look Down In Desperation
And We Look Around Here
And There For Information.
All The Best For Your Exams.

All The Best For Your Exams.
However, Please Remember That
Great Grades May Not Necessarily
Ensure Success In Your Life.
So Don’t Get Hassled By Your Exams.
Take Them In Your Stride.

It Is Amazing To Know
That Out Brain Works 24 Hours Of A Day
From The Time Of Our Birth.
I Wonder Why It Only Stops
At The Time Of Writing Exams.

Exams Just Don’t Start And End
In The Examination Hall.
You Entire Life Is An Exam Which,
If You Put In Efforts,
You Will Come Out Of With Flying Colors.
Don’t Give Up And Continue
To Win All The Exams In Your Life.

What’s d difference between people who pray in Temples and people who pray in d Exam Centres? Those in d exam centres are damn serious.

3 Reasons 2 Give Exam

1. U Can Spend 3 Hours In Self Meditation.

...2. U Can Complete Ur Sleep.

3. U Can See Ur Teachers Being Bored Who Usually Bore U

attitude towards exam = tommorow is my exam but i dont care bcoz a single sheet of paper cant decide my future

Students policy:

1 week before the exam v refer-

Foreign author

1 day before exam v refer 

Local author

on the day of the exam 
We r the authors...!

examination is garden success is flower god bless you with power to pluck this flower

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