Positive Attitude, developed positive attitude.

 How to developed positive Attitude, 8 step to develop positive attitude. 

Developed positive attitude

    How to build a positive attitude ? 

    During childhood,  we form attitudes that last a lifetime. Undoubtedly, it would be easier to acquire a positive attitude during our formative years.  If the combination of your inborn temperament and your early childhood experiences have produced a positive attitude, you are indeed very fortunate. But if you have acquired a negative attitude, whether by design or by default - are you stuck with it?  Of course not. Can you change?  Yes is it easy?  Absolutely not!  Is it worth it? You bet! 

    How do you build and maintain a positive attitude? 

    1. Become aware of the principles that build a positive attitude. 
    2. Desire to be positive. 
    3. Cultivate the discipline and dedication to practice those principles. 

    As adults, regardless of our environment, education and experience, who is responsible for our attitude? 
    We are. We have to accept responsibility for our behavior and actions. Some people blame everyone and everything but themselves. It is up to us to choose our attitude every morning. 
           People with negative attitudes often blame the whole world - their parents, teachers, spouse, bosses, the stars, fate, luck,the economy and the government - for their failures. 
            You have to get away from the past. Dust yourself off and get back into mainstream. Put your dreams together and move forward. Thinking of the positive things that are true, honest and good, will put you in a positive state of mind.

    8 Steps to attitude change, Developed positive attitude 8 tips :-

    8 step to develop positive attitude

    If you want to build and maintain a positive attitude, you need to consciously practice the following steps:-

    Steps 1 :- change focus, look for the positive. 

    You need to become a seeker of good. You need to focus on the positive in your life. Start looking for What is right in a person or situation instead of looking for what is wrong. Because of our conditioning,most of us are so attuned to finding fault and looking for what is wrong that we often forget to see the positive picture. 

    Some people always look at the negative side. Who is a pessimist?  Pessimist :-
    1. Are unhappy when they have no troubles to speak of. 
    2. Feel bad when they feel good, for fear they will feel worse when they feel better 
    3. Spend most of their life at complaint counters 
    4. Always turn out the lights to see how dark it is
    5. Are always looking for cracks in the mirror of life
    6. Stop sleeping in bed when they hear that more people die in bed than anywhere else
    7. Cannot enjoy their health because they think they may be sick tomorrow. 
    8. Not only expect the worst but make the worst of whatever happens 
    9. Don't see the doughnut, only the hole
    10. Believe that the sun shines only to cast shadows
    11. Forgot their blessings and count their troubles 
    12. Know that hard work never hurts anyone but believe "why take a chance ?"

    Step 2. Make a Habit of doing it now. 

    We have all procrastinated at some time in our lives. I know I have, only to have regretted it later. Procrasti- nation leads to a negative attitude. The habit of pro-
    crastination fatigues you more than the effort it takes to do it. A completed task is fulfilling and energizing; an incomplete task drains energy. If you want to build and maintain a positive attitude, get into the habit of living in the present and doing it now.

    Live in the Present .

    How to developed positive attitude

    Life is not a dress rehearsal. I don't care what philosophy you believe in-we have got only one shot at this game called life. The stakes are too high to waste your life. The stakes are the future generations. What time is it and where are we? The answer is now and we are here. Let's make the best of now and utilize the present to the fullest. The message is not that we don't need to plan for the future. The message is that we do need to plan for the future. If we utilize our present to its fullest, we are sowing the seeds for a better future. If you want to build a positive attitude, learn the phrase, "do it now" and stop the habit of procrastination. The saddest words in life are: • "It might have been." • "I should have." • "I could have." • "I wish I had." • "If only I had given a little extra." Never leave till tomorrow, which you can do today. Benjamin Franklin

    Step 3: Develop an Attitude of Gratitude 

    Count your blessings, not your troubles. Take time to smell the roses. It is not uncommon to hear that someone, because of an accident, became blind or paralyzed, but won a million dollars in a settlement. How many of us would like to trade places with that person? Not many. We are so focused on complaining about things we do not have that we lose sight of the things we have. There is a lot to be thankful for. When I say count your blessings, not your troubles, I don't mean that you should become complacent. Attitude of gratitude does not mean complacency. If complacence was the message you got, then I would be guilty of faulty communication and listening. To give you an example of selective listening, let me share with you a story I heard about a medical doctor who was invited as a guest speaker to address a group of alcoholics. He wanted to make a demonstration that you of selective would be powerful enough to make people realize that alcohol was injurious to their health. He had two containers, one with pure distilled water and one with pure alcohol. He put an earthworm into the distilled water and it swam beautifully and came up to the top. He put another earthworm into the alcohol and it dis- integrated in front of everyone's eyes. He wanted to prove that this was what alcohol did to the insides of our body. He asked the group what the moral of the story was and one person from behind said, "If you drink alcohol you won't have worms in your stomach." Was that the message? One course not. That was selec- tive listening - we hear what we want to hear and not what is being said.
    Many of our blessings are hidden treasures - count your blessings and not your troubles. 

    Step 4 : Get into a continuous education program 

    Let's get some myths out of the way. It is a general belief that we get educated in schools and colleges. During my seminars in many different countries there is a question I ask My audience all the time, "Do we really get educated in schools and colleges? " Generally, there is a consensus that some people do but most don't. 
    Don't get me wrong. We receive a lot of information in Schools and colleges. We do need information to be educated. But we also need to know the true meaning of education. 
       Intellectual education influences the head and values- based education influences the heart. In fact, education that does not train the heart can be dangerous.
    If we want to build character in our offices, homes and society, we must achieve a minimum level of moral and ethical literacy. Education that builds fundamental traits of character - such as honest, compassion, courage, persistence and responsibility - is absolutely essential. 
    We don't need more academic education, we need more value-based education. A person who is morally educated will be a lot better equipped to move up in life or succeed than will a morally bankrupt person, with excellent academic qualifications.

    Step 5: Build a Positive Self-Esteem 

    What is Self-Esteem?

     Self-esteem is the way we feel about ourselves. When we feel good within, our performance goes up and our relationships improve both at home and at work. The world looks nicer. What could be the reason? Because there is a direct correlation between our feelings and behavior. 

    How Do We Build Positive Self-Esteem? 

    If you want to build a positive self-esteem quickly, one of the fastest way is to do something for those who cannot repay you in cash or kind.
    This one phrase, "It is my life, I will do what I want" has done more damage than good. People choose to ignore the spirit and derive the meaning that is conve- nient to them. Such people have tied this phrase to selfishness and this has had a negative effect on them and the world around them. These people forget that we don't live in isolation. What do affects me and what I do affects you. We you are connected. We have to realize that we are sharing this planet and we must learn to behave responsibly. There are two kinds of people in this world – givers and takers. Takers eat well and givers sleep well. Givers have high self-esteem, a positive attitude, and they serve society. By serving society, I do not mean a run-of-the- mill pseudo leader-turned-politician who serves himself by pretending to serve others. As human beings, we all have the need to receive and take. But a healthy personality with high self-esteem is one that not only has its need to take but also to give.

    Step 6: Stay Away from Negative Influences

     Impressionable minds get influenced by adult behavior and the media. Peer pressure affects not only children and teenagers, it is also prevalent in adults. It shows a lack of self-esteem when people do not have the courage to say "No, thank you," and stay away from negative influences. What are the negative influences?
    The same thing is true for most people. The unfortunate part of life is as Oliver Wendall Holmes said, "Most people go to their graves, with music still in them." We don't achieve excellence because of our own lack of vision. If you want to soar like an eagle, you have to learn the ways of an eagle. If you associate with achievers, you will become one. If you associate with thinkers, you will become one. If you associate with givers, you will become one. If you associate with negative people, you will become one. Whenever people succeed in life, petty people will take cracks at them and try to pull them down. When you refuse to fight petty people, you win. In martial arts, they teach that when someone takes a crack at you, instead of blocking you should step away. Why? Block- ing requires energy. Why not use it more productively? Similarly, in order to fight petty people, you have to come down to their level. That is what they want, because now you are one of them. Don't let negative people drag you down. Remember that a person's character is not only judged by the company they keep but also by the company they avoid.

    Step 7: Learn to Like the Things That Need to be Done

     Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. - St. Francis of Assisi Some things need to be done whether we like them or not; for example, mothers caring for their young. This may not always be fun, and may even be painful. But if we learn to like the task, the impossible becomes possible.

     Step 8: Start Your Day with Something Positive 

    Read or listen to something positive first thing in the morning. After a good night's sleep we are relaxed and our subconscious is receptive. It sets the tone for the day, and puts us in the right frame of mind to make the

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