Christmas day : History, story of Santa Claus in details.

 Christmas Day is being celebrated today on 25th December.  Today is celebrated as the birthday of Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ was born in the night.  Today, on the occasion of Christmas 2021, people are celebrating and giving gifts to each other.

 Jesus Christ dedicated his life for the welfare of mankind.  According to religious beliefs, Jesus Christ performed many such miracles, which the common man cannot do.

 Even today people have faith in the miracles of Jesus Christ.  It is also believed that when Jesus Christ was crucified, he became alive even after giving up his life.  What was that incident?  Let's know about him.

 According to the beliefs, EC Christ was hanged on the cross in front of everyone on Friday at the age of 33.  His mother and aunt were also present on the big cross on which he was hanged.

 His body was exhumed the next day on Saturday.  His body was placed inside a cave and its door was closed with a stone.  Later his body was buried.

    On Sunday, a woman went to his grave.  It was quite dark at that time.  But he saw that there was no stone on the grave.  She returned from there and told some of the disciples of Jesus Christ about it.  They all came to the tomb of the Lord Jesus.  He saw that there was only a shroud.

       Jesus Christ was not.  Everyone left from there except that woman.  The woman was crying sitting near the grave.  Then he saw two angels standing in white clothes at the place where the body of Jesus Christ was placed in the tomb.  One was standing near the head part and the other near the leg part.

       Both of those angels asked the woman the reason for her crying, then she told that they took her lord.  Then he saw Jesus Christ there.  Jesus Christ told the woman that now he is going to his Father.

      After this the woman came to the disciples of Jesus Christ and told about the resurrection of Lord Jesus.  Some of the disciples also claimed to have seen and resurrected Jesus Christ.

    It is also believed that after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, he lived on earth for more than a month.  Then one day he went to a mountain with his disciples and other people and flew from there to the sky.

     The day on which Jesus Christ was crucified is called Good Friday.  The day when Jesus Christ rose again is called Easter.  According to religious belief, the event of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is proof that truth never dies.

What is the story of decorating the Christmas tree from Santa Claus?  Know some very interesting things related to Christmas.

Christmas day history

Today the festival of Christmas is celebrated all over the world.  This festival is celebrated in most of the countries of the world.  ,  On this day people go to church and pray.  Apart from this, people feed cakes and give gifts to their near and dear ones on Christmas day.  Along with this, Christmas tree is also decorated on this day.  Christmas is the biggest festival of Christianity and it is also called Big Day.  Let us tell you about some special things related to Christmas…

 That's why Christmas is celebrated on 25th December.

 It is believed that Lord Jesus was born on 25th December.  Although the Bible does not mention any fixed date of birth of Lord Jesus.  Yet every year on 25 December, his birthday is celebrated as Christmas Day.

 However, there were also disputes regarding the date of the birthday of Lord Jesus.  This festival was first celebrated in Rome in 336 AD.  A few years later, Pope Julius officially announced the birth of Lord Jesus to be celebrated on December 25.

 What is the story of the birth of Lord Jesus?

 According to legend, one day in a dream, Mary heard a prophecy that the Lord Jesus would be born in her house.  A few days later, Mary became pregnant.  During her pregnancy she had to travel to Bethlehem.  During this, due to nightfall on the way, they had to take shelter in a cave, in which the shepherds who kept animals lived.  Lord Jesus Christ was born in this cave.

More information about Lord Jesus Christ in details. 

The Lord Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity, is known in Hebrew as Jesus, Jesus or Yeshua, but in English pronunciation it becomes Jeshua.  Tell all of you that this Jeshua has now become Jesus.  Now we tell you the story of the birth of Jesus Christ.
 It is said that there is a difference of opinion regarding the birth of Jesus Christ.  Yes, in this regard we get four principles.  According to the first 'Luke Act', his family lived in the village of Nazarath.  At that time, when his parents reached Bethlehem from Nazareth, he was born at a place there.  It is said that Mary was a virgin when Jesus was born.  At that time, Mary was the wife of a carpenter named Joseph, and when Jesus Christ was born, fairies came there and called him the Messiah and a group of cowherds came to pray for him.  Apart from this, it is also said that the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary one day before the birth of Jesus and said that blessed are you among women, because you have been chosen by God to be the mother of the Son.  Mother Mary was astonished to hear this.

 It is said that after this the census started in the kingdom by order of Emperor Augustus, all the people were going to register their names in Jerusalem.  Jesus' parents were also going there from Nazareth, but in the middle of Bethlehem, Mother Mary gave birth to a child.  At the same time, according to another theory, according to the 'Matthew Act', Jesus was born in Bethlehem, but King Hirod there ordered to kill all children under the age of two in Bethlehem.  After knowing this, the family of Jesus Christ went to Egypt from there.  After that, after some time from there he settled in Nazarath.

 At the same time, according to the Christian scripture, Mother Mary was a resident of Nazareth village in Galilee province and she was engaged to a carpenter named Yusuf, the dynasty of David.  It is said that even before marriage, she became pregnant under the influence of God.  At that time Joseph or Joseph accepted her as his wife due to the sign of God.  At the same time, after marriage, Joseph left the province of Galilee and started living in a village called Bethlehem in the Jewish province, and there Jesus Christ was born.  However, to escape the tyranny of King Herod there, they moved to Egypt and later when BC.  When Herod died, he again came to Bethlehem and there in 6 BC Jesus Christ was born and then he again settled in Nazareth from there.  All these stories prove that Jesus' parents were residents of Nazareth and Jesus was born in Bethlehem.  Why they went to Bethlehem now remains a mystery.
 The Lord Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity, is known in Hebrew as Jesus, Jesus or Yeshua, but in English pronunciation it becomes Jeshua.  Tell all of you that this Jeshua has now become Jesus.  Now we tell you the story of the birth of Jesus Christ.

 It is said that there is a difference of opinion regarding the birth of Jesus Christ.  Yes, in this regard we get four principles.  According to the first 'Luke Act', his family lived in the village of Nazarath.  At that time, when his parents reached Bethlehem from Nazareth, he was born at a place there.  It is said that Mary was a virgin when Jesus was born.  At that time, Mary was the wife of a carpenter named Joseph, and when Jesus Christ was born, fairies came there and called him the Messiah and a group of cowherds came to pray for him.  Apart from this, it is also said that the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary one day before the birth of Jesus and said that blessed are you among women, because you have been chosen by God to be the mother of the Son.  Mother Mary was astonished to hear this.

 Jesus got the name from an angel- 

It is said that Jesus got his name from an angel.  In fact, it is mentioned in the Bible that an angel went to Mary, the mother of Jesus, and told her that God has a special grace on you and he is with you.  Hearing this, Mary was terrified.  But the angel told them that you need not be afraid.  You will give birth to a child whose name will be Jesus.  His kingdom will never end.

 Christ was not the surname of Jesus -

    Many people think that Christ is the surname of Jesus, but it is not so.

 Jesus had many brothers and sisters - 

        it is said that Jesus also had brothers and sisters.  His four brothers are named James, Joseph, Simon and Judas.

 Jesus did the work of a carpenter-

   It is said that Jesus initially used to work as a carpenter.  Yes, Jesus' brother Joseph was a carpenter and it is said that Jesus learned this work from him.  At the same time, later the people of the city also started calling him Carpenter.

 Jesus was very simple in appearance -

 it is said that Jesus was very simple in appearance.

 The First Miracle of Jesus - 

    It is believed that Jesus used to perform great miracles.  He performed his first miracle during a wedding ceremony in Cana.  Here he turned water into wine.

 Jesus spoke many languages   -

     Jesus is said to have knowledge of many languages, including Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek.

 Do you know this story related to Santa Claus?

 Santa Claus also has a lot of recognition on Christmas.  It is believed that Santa Claus comes in the dark of night to give gifts to children.  According to popular stories, Saint Nicholas, whom we know as Santa Claus, was born in Myra, about 280 years after the death of Jesus Christ.  Saint Nicholas was wealthy, his parents died in his childhood.

 He had great faith in the Lord Jesus.  Saint Nicholas was very fond of children.  He always used to help the poor.  He used to try to please people through secret gifts.
     One day Saint Nicholas came to know that there is a poor man who has three daughters.  He has no money for his marriage.  After which Nicholas thought of helping the person.  At night, they put down a bag full of gold from the chimney in the roof of that person.  During this, the person had put his stocking in the chimney to dry.  During this, he saw that a bag full of gold in socks came and fell and this happened three times.  Finally the person saw Nicholas doing this.  Nicholas asked not to tell anyone about it, but still this word spread and since then the custom of giving gifts on Christmas Day and Santa Claus started.

 Christmas is celebrated for 12 days
 Christmas celebrations last for 12 days.  The reason behind this is said that on the 12th day when Jesus was born, 3 alims came to give him gifts and blessings.  It starts on 25th December.

 That's why the Christmas tree is decorated

 Christmas tree is also decorated on this day.  The Christmas tree originated in northern Europe thousands of years ago.  During that time, they used to celebrate this festival by decorating a tree named "Fir".  As time passed, so did the trend of Christmas tree around the world.  Most people now bring this tree home on Christmas Day and decorate it with toys, candy, lights, bulbs, gifts and chocolates.  The tradition of decorating the Christmas tree is said to have started from 1570.  Christmas tree is an evergreen tree.  The leaves of this tree do not fall in any season and never wither.  It is also a belief about the Christmas tree that by decorating it, any kind of Vastu defect present in the house gets removed.

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